Well what do you know, after only a couple of years, another update! Right on schedule, I say!
Well I could say a bunch of stuff involving what's been going on, but the point of this update is to mention that the Nurdy Movies Site is now officially launched!
Nurdy Movies are movies that I have constructed myself on various topics and posted here and not on youtube, just because I can (and because I'm not limited to 10 minutes and I can control the quality of my video myself)!
Anyways, enjoy! Further updates to the page are forthcoming! Or not!
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Happy New Year and all that stuff!
To celebrate the new year, I've released a new version of gamedb and a new version of lua-web to go with it. There are a ton of fixes and cosmetic changes in the new gamedb, as well as a new feature or two. I have 2 words for you: "Session Duration Recording". Oh wait, that's three words..
Anyway, the system now supports tracking how long it took to play a game, which means that now the system can tell you the average time it takes to play a game, to compare and contrast against what the publishers think the normal play time is.
Also new in this version is a help system with context sensitive help on each page, to tell you what that page is telling you, so to speak.
If you're interested in this sort of thing, go check it out!!
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After getting a bit frustrated with board games that come with scores of resource cards but no tray to hold them so that the piles don't spread all over, I worked up a simple template for a card tray that I could print out and glue together to get something similar.
After some pondering, I decided that this might be of some interest to someone besides me, and so here it is, for all to see: card tray generator.
Originally conceived for Anno 1503, other uses that I've postulted include having trays for Settlers of Catan and all of those resource cubes in Age of Mythology. I'm sure there are at least a trillion other uses for people to discover!
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There was a slight bug in the version of gamedb that was released last week. The bug would make the player profile page say you either won or lost every game played based on the first play of that game.
That bug is fixed, plus some enhancements have been made to the player profile page, and to the random game picker. You can read about them and pick up the latest version on the gamedb page.
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Hot on the heels of the recent release of gamedb, I proudly announce "More of the same!"
This is a less hasily released version than the previous version, while at the same time providing all sorts of new functionality, most of which I forget! The gamedb page lists some of the new functionality.
Along with this, a new version of lua-web2 is required to make things go.
So, without further delay, get thee to downloading!
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